A project by Stephan Pirker for Festival der Regionen, in
Eferding (A) on June the 9th 2013.
Sound System were wired skiers wearing sensors and microphones that
transmitted information via radio to the stadium about their load,
speed and slope during the jump.
Hinzenbach´s Energie AG-Skisprung
Arena is one of the few summer ski-jump complexes in Europe.
Jumping Sound System are:
CS-Sys 011 Pilot and Skibassist: Daniel Jarosch, CS-Sys 011
Skigitarrist: Fabian Jost, CS-Sys 012 Pilot and Boardist: Stephan
Pirker; CS-Sys 013 Ej Effectjockeys: Michael Schweiger, Christoph Fügenschuh, Moderator: Mario Sinnhofer, Co-Moderator: Günter
Hanninger; Kamera: Falko Purner, Daniel Jarosch, Martin Music; Springer:
Dustin Hopfgartner
Jumper-modell for better understanding
of a jumper´s movements:
A real jumper never gives up |
In the end there was a concert of instruments made of wired skiing stuff.
Ski-guitar being tuned |
Aaaaaand the winner is....
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