
Living Radio @ UniT - UdK Berlin

Living Radio from Laura Mello on Vimeo.

Am 09.02.08
in der Langen Musiktheaternacht
Uni.T UdK Fasanenstrasse 1B
18:00 Eintrit 4€ ermäßigt 2€

Eine Live Übetragung aus der nahegelegenen Umgebung
Für 2 kabellos verstärke Sprecher, Zuspiel und Live Elektronik.

In dieser Sendung wird kein Thema diskutiert, keine vorproduzierten Aussagen gefällt: Alles, was erzählt wird, ergibt sich echtzeit... Oder auch nicht.
Die Sendung wird von keinem herkömmlichen Radioteam produziert, hier sind Menschen nicht wichtiger als das technische Equipment. Sie sind wie defekte Filtergeräte, die durch ihren eigenen unkontrollierbaren Parameter die Wirklichkeit durchlassen.

Based on the use of „Audio Guide“ - normally used in museums – the project adapts it as a flexible platform for a live performance. The end result is an unconventional „audio guide“ in the form of live Hörspiel: a mixture of reality and imagination, a synesthetic experience where the visual is „filtered“ through the aural. On the other hand, another focus is added to the already existent exhibition. i.e., when what is being described (through speakers or radios) becomes visible, they become a living self-reflexive part of the museum. Two observers (a man and a woman) walk around through the same space where the public is staying and where at the same time other things are taking place (exhibitions, theater, even the daily landscape, outdoors, people). They see the space, the people and their relationship. They are the „observers“ of the moment, watching the people in the space, describing either what they´re seeing, either what happened before in the space, either some imaginary situation that could (or could not!) take place on the space. They describe what they are seeing, they say what they feel about it, they also create new situations (fantasies) based on the reality. Each one of them speaks into wireless headset microfons. Their voices go through an audio editing equipment, where the composer/DJ manipulates their voices and adds pre-recorded sound to it. The sound art created is transmitted either through the normal PA, either through a radiotransmitter, and come to the recipients either on loudspeakers, wireless headphones or small radios.

Concept, software programmin, live electronics: Laura Mello, Urban Schlemmer, Kassian Troyer Actors: Anne Kohl, Oliver Kube

See also Living Radio Try-Out at the Hochschule für Musik Hans Eisler

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